Sunday, September 7, 2008

Any day now..............

So tomorrow is the official "due date" (how I detest that term). I'm feeling so many things right now....excitement to meet my son, anticipation of how labor will start and how the birth will evolve, denial that I'm about to start over with an infant, fear that I won't be able to handle juggling three children, joy over the promise of new life, love for this small but profoundly important person, wonder at my body's ability to grow another human being, gratitude for Ben and the girls for caring so gently for me, sorrow that I'll never experience the miracle of pregnancy again, sheer awe at the power of womanhood.......

Hopefully my next post will be of the baby on the outside! I'm prepared to go a week late, like I did with both girls, but my fingers are crossed that I won't have to! Stay tuned.......


Jenn said...

Beautifully written! It's all going to be GREAT! You inspire me!

Keely said...

I think about you all the time. I will be at work, and all of the sudden, I will think, "I wonder if Tina is in labor?". I wish I could be there with you. :(

criseida said...

Tina you are amazing. Love the picture and wish you a happy labor/birth. Can't wait to meet the little guy!! miss you all